Eastwood Memory Cafe

A Charitable Incorporated Organisation helping people affected by dementia and their carers to live well.

Alzheimer's and dementiaOlder people


We run a monthly Memory Cafe where people living with dementia, and their carers, can find a welcoming, judgement-free space to chat, have some fun and be supported.

A friend/relative/supporter/carer must attend with the person affected by dementia as we are unable to provide respite care.

We also organise local get-togethers, events, activities and trips out.

For those affected by dementia and their carers, in NG16 Nottinghamshire and the surrounding area.

Opening times

2nd Tuesday of the month from 12.30-3pm.

Plumptre Hall, behind St Mary’s Church, Church Street, Eastwood, Nottingham NG16 3BS.

Cost is £2 per person (including light refreshments) and a sandwich lunch is optional at an extra charge of £3 per person.

See website for details of other events.


  • Level access
  • Wheelchair access
  • Disabled toilet

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