We provide you with mutual support; helpful information and advice on lung related issues; time to chat, socialise, form friendships and have fun. Breathe Easy is affiliated to Asthma + Lung UK.
Light refreshments are available. There is no entry charge. Free parking. On bus routes. Wheelchair accessible. A microphone/public address system is used at meetings.
Other information
We also sponsor two exercise classes (seated or standing), led by suitably qualified trainers, which are specially designed for people with respiratory problems.
They take place on Monday mornings via Zoom, and Wednesday mornings at the Julian Cahn Pavilion, West Park, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7JL, or via Zoom. For further details please contact [email protected].
Opening times
1st Wednesday of every month, 12.30pm – 2.30pm.
- Level access
- Wheelchair access
- Disabled toilet